Eboo in Kenya helps children in the slums of Nairobi
About the foundation
The foundation called EBOO generates the financial means to pay for the cost of schooling of 170 underprivileged children, living in and around the biggest slum of Nairobi, Kenya, called Kibera. EBOO guarantees that 100% of the money which is generated will be used for this purpose.
Current situation
EBOO invests in the future of children by giving them an opportunity to go to school. These underprivileged children do not have this opportunity without the support of EBOO. “The one child that got new changes could be the “yeast” starting recovery within a family, a community, a region, a country, a world” (quoted by Christina Noble). At this moment EBOO supports 170 children. The founder of EBOO is Fenneke Dijkema-Timmerman. She lives in Nairobi and manages EBOO herself on location. More than 15 volunteers are actively involved with EBOO. EBOO has the Dutch ANBI-status (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling).
The aim of EBOO is to provide help for the long term. EBOO does not lay down pre-conditions, like religion, to receive help. Children who participate in the program receive support until the end of secondary school (A level or O level). Although EBOO does not fund follow-up study at university, EBOO did find specific sponsors for four very gifted students to continue their studies at the university of Nairobi. It is a mandatory requirement for the children which participate to go to school. They must perform to the best of their ability. If this is not the case the root cause will be analyzed. Children who perform badly due to lack of interest or dedication, or when their parents deliberately provide wrong information, could, in the worst case scenario, be expelled from the program.
All children who participate in the programme will, if needed, receive new school uniforms and new school shoes. The school fees and schoolbooks will be fully paid and the children will receive at least one meal at school. Subject to budget availability, additional cost will be paid, on a need basis, for medicine, transport and sanitary napkins.In the current set up EBOO does not have the means or resources to add more children to the programme.
Because Fenneke lives in Nairobi, she has direct and continuously contact with teachers, principals and the parents of the children. Together they make sure that the money is spent effectively. Once a week the parents and/or the children who participate in the programme can come to Fenneke’s house for consultation. The parents can ask questions and show the progress the children are making, by showing their school reports. Fenneke keeps detailed records of the school results of all children.